Monday, 11 May 2020 05:01

Edit an existing article

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Edit an existing article

To edit an article simply click on

  1. Content
  2. Article

IMPORTANT! Do not click on "Add new article"


You can go by clicking on #1 then #2 or you can jump directly to click on #3 as shown on the picture above then you will be able to begin editing your article. If you need help with working on SP Pagebuilder, please see our SP Pagebuilder section. 

Saving your changes

When you are finish making all of your changes, you can click on either save to save and continue working or save to save then exit. You can also click on save to save your work, close the article then automatically create a new article. If you change your mind, NEVER click the browser back button. You can click on save instead to close the article and cancel all changes without saving it. 

Have any question, click on the Whatsapp button to get some help or get help here

Additional Info

  • Joomla Version: Joomla 3.x.x
  • Component Version: N/A
Read 4033 times Last modified on Monday, 11 May 2020 06:26

About the Author...


With over 21 years of experience in development world, you can rest assure that you are in a good hand when you choose me to do your website/server works. I have extensive trainings and experience in the following fields:

  • Linux System Administrator
  • Filemaker Pro Development
  • PHP
  • ASP
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • JQuery

I also am an MCSE, CISCO CCNA and ORACLE MySQL certified.

I have been working with Joomla since its early development in late 2005 when it was called Mambo. Open Source Matters really is the pioneer in CMS world. I really enjoy working on it and I am sure that you will love it too. Give me a ring and we can even discuss your next project over the phone!
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